Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sea, Sand, and Sand Pipers

My last post was about the sound of mountain water, then a few days later I flew to Florida to visit my aunt and uncle.
As soon as I arrived in Florida I was in awe of green. The first day we spent 6 hours at the ocean. I watched the birds and asked Tim what each one was. After the first hour, he stopped answering me.
I wanted to know every bird.
Then as we drove to dinner each night I wanted to know about the trees. What kind of tree is that, Tim?
I loved the flora and fauna of Florida.
I loved the hawks that glided above the house, and the sand pipers that pecked in the sand, the unnamed birds that chirped in the distance. I wanted to know all their names.
I loved the palm trees.
But most of all I love the time I spent with Tim and Nancy and talking about family stories.
These family stories are about the ocean, and distance, and love.

Here, my other favorite sound: The ocean. Enjoy.

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